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Step 2: Install dependencies

cd ../../connectors/source-exchange-rates-tutorial
poetry install

These steps create an initial python environment, and install the dependencies required to run an API Source connector.

Let's verify everything works as expected by running the Airbyte spec operation:

poetry run source-exchange-rates-tutorial spec

You should see an output similar to the one below:

{"type": "SPEC", "spec": {"documentationUrl": "", "connectionSpecification": {"$schema": "", "title": "Python Http Tutorial Spec", "type": "object", "required": ["TODO"], "additionalProperties": false, "properties": {"TODO: This schema defines the configuration required for the source. This usually involves metadata such as database and/or authentication information.": {"type": "string", "description": "describe me"}}}}}

This is a simple sanity check to make sure everything is wired up correctly. More details on the spec operation can be found in Basic Concepts and Defining Stream Schemas.

For now, note that the file is a convenience wrapper to help run the connector. Its invocation format is python <command> [args]. The module's generated contains more details on the supported commands.

Next steps

Next, we'll connect to the API source

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