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June 2023

airbyte v0.44.12 to v0.50.5

This page includes new features and improvements to the Airbyte Cloud and Airbyte Open Source platforms.

New and Improved Features:

  1. New Sources and Promotions: Our data reach now extends with new destination connectors for and Timeplus. Also, we've introduced a new source - KYVE Network, further enhancing the variety of data you can harness.
  2. New Features for Existing Connectors: We've added new streams for users, tasks, templates, and snippets to our Source Outreach. Furthermore, Destination Databricks now supports schema evolution, allowing you more flexibility with your data structures.
  3. New Features in Airbyte Platform: Several updates to our platform include highlighting schema errors for test records (#6916), enabling autopropagation in the UI by default (#7124), and making cursor granularity optional (#7158). Plus, our connector builder now auto-imports schemas (#7113) and adds request options for the API key authenticator (#7009).

Bug Fixes:

We've addressed various bugs for smoother user experience:

We've also made significant improvements to our connector builder, including reloading diff view on stream change (#6974)