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August 2022

Airbyte v0.39.42-alpha to v0.40.3

This page includes new features and improvements to the Airbyte Cloud and Airbyte Open Source platforms.

New features

  • Added reserved keywords for schema names by fixing the quotation logic in normalization. #14683

  • Added documentation about the data displayed in sync log summaries. #15181

  • Added OAuth login to Airbyte Cloud, which allows you to sign in using your Google login credentials. #15414

    • You can use your Google login credentials to sign in to your Airbyte account if they share the same email address.

    • You can create a new Airbyte account with OAuth using your Google login credentials.

    • You cannot use OAuth to log in if you are invited to join a workspace.


  • Improved the Airbyte version naming conventions by removing the -alpha tag. The Airbyte platform is used successfully by thousands of users, so the -alpha tag is no longer necessary. #15766

  • Improved the loadBalancerIP in the web app by making it configurable. #14992

  • Datadog:

    • Improved the Airbyte platform by supporting StatsD, which sends Temporal metrics to Datadog. #14842

    • Added Datadog tags to help you identify metrics between Airbyte instances. #15213

    • Added metric client tracking to record schema validation errors. #13393


  • Fixed an issue where data types did not display correctly in the UI. The correct data types are now displayed in the streams of your connections. #15558

  • Fixed an issue where requests would fail during a release by adding a shutdown hook to the Airbyte server. This ensures the requests will be gracefully terminated before they can fail. #15934

  • Helm charts:

    • Fixed the deployment problems of the Helm chart with FluxCD by removing unconditional resource assignment in the chart for Temporal. #15374

    • Fixed the following issues in #15199:

      • Fixed an issue where toyaml was being used instead of toYaml, which caused Helm chart installation to fail.

      • Fixed incorrect extraContainers indentation, which caused Helm chart installation to fail if the value was supplied.

      • Fixed incorrect Postgres secret reference and made it more user friendly.

      • Updated the method of looking up secrets and included an override feature to protect users from common mistakes.