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Amazon Ads Migration Guide

Upgrading to 7.0.0

  • The stream SponsoredDisplayReportStream is split into five:

    • sponsored_display_campaigns_report_stream
    • sponsored_display_adgroups_report_stream
    • sponsored_display_productads_report_stream
    • sponsored_display_targets_report_stream
    • sponsored_display_asins_report_stream
  • The stream SponsoredProductsReportStream is split into seven:

    • sponsored_products_campaigns_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_adgroups_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_keywords_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_targets_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_productads_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_asins_keywords_report_stream
    • sponsored_products_asins_targets_report_stream
  • Changes for all *-report streams:

    • They have new primary keys (see the following table).
    • metrics have been moved to the root of the schema.
    • metrics have been reset to the proper field type (previously, they were all stored as strings).

Primary Key changes

Stream NameOld Primary KeyNew Primary key
sponsored_brands_v3_report_stream["profileId", "recordType", "reportDate", "recordId"]["profileId", "reportDate", "purchasedAsin"]
SponsoredDisplayReportStream (deprecated)["profileId", "recordType", "reportDate", "recordId"]
- sponsored_display_campaigns_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "campaignId"]
- sponsored_display_adgroups_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "adGroupId"]
- sponsored_display_productads_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "adId"]
- sponsored_display_targets_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "targetingId"]
- sponsored_display_asins_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "promotedAsin"]
SponsoredProductsReportStream (deprecated)["profileId", "recordType", "reportDate", "recordId"]
- sponsored_products_campaigns_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "campaignId"]
- sponsored_products_adgroups_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "adGroupId"]
- sponsored_products_keywords_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "keywordId"]
- sponsored_products_targets_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "keywordId"]
- sponsored_products_productads_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "adId"]
- sponsored_products_asins_keywords_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "advertisedAsin"]
- sponsored_products_asins_targets_report_stream["profileId", "reportDate", "advertisedAsin"]

Upgrading to 6.0.0

The SponsoredDisplayReportStream stream now has an updated schema, thanks to a recent change in the Amazon Ads API. You can find more details in the Amazon Migration Guide (metrics).

Please note that SponsoredBrandsReportStream and SponsoredBrandsVideoReportStream will become unavailable as a result of the deprecation of API V2. We recommend switching to SponsoredBrandsV3ReportStream as a great alternative. see Amazon Migration Guide (metrics) for more info.

Streams SponsoredBrandsReportStream SponsoredBrandsVideoReportStream will become unavailable. It is recommended to use SponsoredBrandsV3ReportStream as an alternative.

Refresh affected schemas and reset data

  1. Select Connections in the main navbar.
    1. Select the connection(s) affected by the update.
  2. Select the Replication tab.
    1. Select Refresh source schema.
    2. Select OK.
Any detected schema changes will be listed for your review.
  1. Select Save changes at the bottom of the page.
    1. Ensure the Reset affected streams option is checked.
Depending on destination type you may not be prompted to reset your data.
  1. Select Save connection.
This will reset the data in your destination and initiate a fresh sync.

For more information on resetting your data in Airbyte, see this page.

Upgrading to 5.0.0

The following streams have updated schemas due to a change with the Amazon Ads API:

  • SponsoredBrandsCampaigns
  • SponsoredBrandsAdGroups
  • SponsoredProductsCampaigns
  • SponsoredProductsAdGroupBidRecommendations

Schema Changes - Removed/Added Fields

Stream NameRemoved FieldsAdded Fields
SponsoredBrandsCampaignsserviceStatus, bidOptimization, bidMultiplier, adFormat, bidAdjustments, creative, landingPage, supplySourceruleBasedBudget, bidding, productLocation, costType, smartDefault, extendedData
SponsoredBrandsAdGroupsbid, keywordId, keywordText, nativeLanuageKeyword, matchTypeextendedData
SponsoredProductsCampaignscampaignType, dailyBudget, ruleBasedBudget, premiumBidAdjustment, networksdynamicBidding, budget, extendedData
SponsoredProductsAdGroupBidRecommendationssuggestedBidtheme, bidRecommendationsForTargetingExpressions

Refresh affected schemas and reset data

  1. Select Connections in the main navbar.
    1. Select the connection(s) affected by the update.
  2. Select the Replication tab.
    1. Select Refresh source schema.
    2. Select OK.
Any detected schema changes will be listed for your review.
  1. Select Save changes at the bottom of the page.
    1. Ensure the Reset affected streams option is checked.
Depending on destination type you may not be prompted to reset your data.
  1. Select Save connection.
This will reset the data in your destination and initiate a fresh sync.

For more information on resetting your data in Airbyte, see this page.

Upgrading to 4.0.0

Streams SponsoredBrandsAdGroups and SponsoredBrandsKeywords now have updated schemas.

Refresh affected schemas and reset data

  1. Select Connections in the main navbar.
    1. Select the connection(s) affected by the update.
  2. Select the Replication tab.
    1. Select Refresh source schema.
    2. Select OK.
Any detected schema changes will be listed for your review.
  1. Select Save changes at the bottom of the page.
    1. Ensure the Reset affected streams option is checked.
Depending on destination type you may not be prompted to reset your data.
  1. Select Save connection.
This will reset the data in your destination and initiate a fresh sync.

For more information on resetting your data in Airbyte, see this page.

Upgrading to 3.0.0

A major update of attribution report stream schemas. For a smooth migration, a data reset and a schema refresh are needed.