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DuckDB Migration Guide

Upgrading to 0.4.0

This version updates the DuckDB libraries from v0.9.2 to v0.10.3. Note that DuckDB 0.10.x is not backwards compatible with databases created in prior versions of DuckDB. You should upgrade your database file before upgrading this connector, and you should consider the impact on any other tooling you are using to connect to your database. Please see the DuckDB 0.10.0 announcement for more information and for upgrade instructions.

MotherDuck users will need to log into the MotherDuck UI at, navigate to settings, and then opt in to the database conversion.

Upgrading to 0.3.0

This version updates the DuckDB libraries from v0.8.1 to v0.9.1. Note that DuckDB 0.9.x is not backwards compatible with prior versions of DuckDB. Please see the DuckDB 0.9.0 release notes for more information and for upgrade instructions.

MotherDuck users will need to log into the MotherDuck UI at and click "Start Upgrade". The upgrade prompt will automatically appear the next time the user logs in. If the prompt does not appear, then your database has been upgraded automatically, and in this case you are ready to to use the latest version of the connector.

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